Simple Website Framework

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Tuesday March 19th, 2024

Scary le Poo

In the Beginning...

This whole saga started because I was unhappy with wordpress and wanted something that I could control. At first it was really ingenious and clever (it still is), but then it started taking on a life of it's own. I kept seeing things that I would like to add and I was like "I could code that".

Turns out, I was right. I have had to turn to ChatGPT for some of the more nuanced things about php that I have forgotten. Keep in mind, I did this professionally for many many years, so it's not like this is something new to me.

That said, I have never taken it so far as to create a templating system and so forth. I have built very minor template systems, but nowhere near this level.

The nice part about this is that Web developers have total control. I keep adding features and plugins that I find useful. Soon I will add a jquery gallery plugin that I like. It can also be used to lightbox single images, which means that I can dual purpose the hell out of it.

Before I do all that I'm going to have to increase my markdown foo. In particular I need to learn and memorize how to summon an image and assign a class, or multiple classes, to it. That way using classes I can control if it opens in a lightbox, if it's a part of an image gallery, if it has special picture effects around it and so on.

Realistically no one else will ever use this, and that's fine. This entire system is primarily for me. But I wanted to take control. Wordpress is topheavy AS FUCK, and I'm sick of it.

I have looked at so many flat file CMS'. Holy jesus I have looked at literally every one. Most of them were pretty neat, but you lost a lot of design control, or they used a templating system that just made thigns more complicated than they needed to be, or they were missing what I consider to be basic features... Etc.

So here we are. As the famous xkcd comic points out, there are 1283234847 CMS' out there. I'm going to make a new one that combines all the best features of all of them. There are now 1283234848 CMS' out there.

XKCD: Standards

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